Friday, January 09, 2009

The answer to my Flex 3 / Flash CS4 skinning question

Thanks to Juan Sanchez for providing me the solution when he commented on my previous blog post. He wrote...
"Try using a ClassReference for the Image source that references the skin class name in your SWC instead:
source: ClassReference("Image_source");"

It worked perfectly!!!

So the CSS now looks like this:
Button { skin: Embed(skinClass="Button_skin"); }
Canvas { backgroundImage: Embed(skinClass="Canvas_backgroundImage"); }
Image { source: ClassReference("Image_source"); }
And the MXML now looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" xmlns:com="com.*">
<mx:Style source="skins.css"/>
<!--- Canvas background is set using CSS --->
<!--- Button skin is set using CSS --->
<mx:Button />
<!--- Now the image is set using CSS --->
<mx:Image source="{Image_source}"/>

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