I needed to modify MP3 ID3 tags on our server with Coldfusion. To do so I downloaded three different Java mp3 libraries. One did not work at all, the other two would read the ID3 tags but not update the data.
Frustrated, I went on the prowl again for another library and I found MyID3: a Java ID3 Tag Library. You will also need to download the Jakarta Regexp and Nanoxml jars as well.
Thank you Charles M. Chen for a library that's simple, well documented and works!
Also, thanks to Ray Camden for posting "Reading MP3 ID3 tags with ColdFusion" on his Coldfusion Jedi blog. That gave me a great head start.
Here's how you might use the component...
<!--- Read the ID3 comments field --->
<cfset mp3Manager = createObject("component",'components.managers.mp3Manager') />
<cfset mp3Manager.init(mp3FilePath) />
<cfset comment = mp3Manager.getComment() />
<!--- Update the ID3 comments field --->
<cfset mp3Manager = createObject("component",'components.managers.mp3Manager') />
<cfset mp3Manager.init(mp3FilePath) />
<cfset mp3Manager.setComment(strComments) />
And here is a simple version of the CFC. I hope you find it helpful.
<cfcomponent displayname="mp3Manager" output="false">
<!--- ============================================== ---><cfset variables.fileObj = "">
<cfset variables.filename = "">
<cfset variables.metadata = "">
<cfset variables.metadataset = "">
<cfset variables.id3 = "">
<!--- ============================================== --->
<cffunction name="init" access="public" returnType="mp3Manager" output="false">
<cfargument name="filename" type="string" required="false">
<cfif structKeyExists(arguments, "filename")>
<cfset variables.id3 = createObject("java", "org.cmc.music.myid3.MyID3") />
<cfset variables.metadata = createObject("java", "org.cmc.music.metadata.MusicMetadata") />
<cfset variables.metadataset = createObject("java", "org.cmc.music.metadata.MusicMetadataSet") />
<cfset read(filename) />
<cfreturn this>
<cffunction name="read" access="public" returnType="void" output="false">
<cfargument name="filename" type="string" required="true">
<cfif not fileExists(arguments.fileName)>
<cfthrow message="#arguments.fileName# does not exist.">
<cfset variables.filename = arguments.filename>
<cfset variables.fileObj = createObject("java","java.io.File").init(expandPath(variables.filename)) />
<cfset variables.id3.init() />
<cfset variables.metadataset = variables.id3.read(variables.fileObj) />
<cfset variables.metadata = variables.metadataset.getSimplified() />
<cfthrow message="Invalid MP3 file: #arguments.filename# #cfcatch.message#">
<!--- ============================================== --->
<cffunction name="getComment" access="public" returnType="string" output="false">
<cfreturn trim(variables.metadata.getComment())>
<!--- ============================================== --->
<cffunction name="setComment" access="public" returnType="void" output="false">
<cfargument name="argComment" type="string" required="false">
<cfset variables.metadata.setComment(argComment) />
<cfset variables.id3.update(variables.fileObj, variables.metadataset, variables.metadata) />